Hamilton Strategies, LLC

Philadelphia DMA, Pennsylvania -

Phone: 215.815.7716
In 2005, Deborah and Michael Hamilton planted the seed for a new kind of company – one that would define the role of public relations for ministry and non-profit organizations and buck the status quo. Now, more than ever, we push the boundaries of what PR and media can do. Grounded by our biblical values and strengthened by the confirmation of our original mission, we transform client communications, engage new audiences and build lasting relationships. We live in a world where the media landscape is in constant flux. The typical adult allocates more than 50 hours each week to media absorption. The only activity that takes more of our time is sleep. Authority is dispersed and conversations start everywhere and involve influencers of all types—and today no one media channel is enough. We must engage the public and communicate beyond paid and earned media. We must enter lives at the core of attention and concern to engage people in a technologically connected world that may not be connected at all. Hamilton will help to unite you with real people, increase trust, deepen relationships, change behaviors and establish sustained success – on economic and eminent levels, And people will be awakened. We have established systems that produce predictable success, yet are flexible enough to take advantage of breaking opportunities. Our enduring relationships with the media have allowed us to become a reliable resource and initiate conversations about the most important issues of our time. Just ask our clients. Their confidence in our work has allowed us to grow exponentially since 2005. Our record of achievements and our sustained thought leadership allows us to continue to drive the discussion at the intersection of faith and humankind. To God we give all the glory.