Westminster, California -

Phone: 7142316346

India Evangelical Mission (IEM)( is a multi-faceted international non-profit Christian ministry with a U.S. based office located in southern California that supports the work of God in India. Founded in 1966, IEM’s vision is to mobilize Indian nationals to transform India with the hope of the Gospel. To fulfill this vision, IEM has established a Bible College in the southern state of Kerala, that equips young men and women with a heart to serve their communities with Bible and missions training.  IEM supports Christian workers across India who are bringing the good news of the gospel to the diverse regions of the country, from rural villages to urban centers like Mumbai. IEM also has various ministries and outreach programs to meet spiritual and physical needs of the poor. 

The role of the leadership team in the States is to communicate with our regular supporters, cultivate new support through our letters, meetings with individuals, churches and foundations, and coordinate domestic trips for our president, family and friends to do fundraising trips, as well as regular short term mission trips to India.  We value prayer, love of God’s Word, a commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord, care and compassion for those in need, and encouraging believers in India and the United States with the hope that is found in Jesus Christ.