Red Bank Baptist Church

Chattanooga, Tennessee -


Red Bank exists to Point People to Jesus one conversation at a time. As a Southern Baptist Church, we hold to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Our church consists of multiple campuses and a congregation of around 1,000 in attendance on Sunday mornings. Though we have different places to meet, we are one church with multiple campuses sharing a unified mission and vision. We believe everyone deserves a chance to hear the redemptive good news of Jesus Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection. We know this will only happen if God’s people are actively going out into the world and sharing the Gospel with people they meet.

Led by Pastor Sam Greer, Ph.D., Red Bank Baptist Church is built upon the fact that followers of Christ are called to point people to Jesus. Pastor Sam teaches this belief by challenging the congregation to engage the world in Gospel Conversations. Pastor Sam places a high priority on God’s Word, and our church is gospel-centered in all we do. Our Pastor is committed to Christ-centered expository preaching and Word-rich congregational singing.