Assistant Pastor of Missions

Village Church
Beaverton, Oregon, United States
Date Posted: 05/20/2024
Categories: Church/Ministry
Job Type: Full-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Employee Workplace: Flexible
Job Description:

Village Church - Assistant Pastor of Missions

General Personal & Spiritual Qualifications 

  1. Model the biblical qualifications of an elder. (1 Tim 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9, 1 Peter 5:1-3)
  2. Model biblical integrity in all things. (Titus 2:7-8)
  3. Model biblical leadership as an equipper. (Eph 4:11-13)
  4. Model spiritual growth and passion for God.
  5. Model biblical community in relationships as described in the “one another” commands in Scripture.
  6. Embrace Village's Mission, Vision, and Values – modeling a commitment to helping the church realize these goals.
  7. Support a multi-staff and multi-cultural team ministry.
  8. Be in full agreement with Village's doctrinal statement and covenant.

Ministry & Job Specific Qualifications

  1. Must have competence in and a commitment to leading people with the ability to mobilize and delegate.
  2. Must have experience in managing missions programs and setting strategy.
  3. Manifests teachability, warmth, and love for people with an ability to give godly counsel.
  4. Must have demonstrated through his/her life and ministry effectiveness in stimulating the worship of God, teaching of the Scripture, caring for others, and proclaiming the Gospel to the community and the world.
  5. Minimum education requirement – a broad sequence of missiology as well as theology for credit from an accredited theological institution.

Preferred Qualifications

  1. Completed graduate degree in intercultural studies (missiology)
  2. Rich intercultural experiences 
  3. Pastoral ministry experiences

Primary Job Responsibilities

The Assistant Pastor of Missions works to collaborate across the organization on the successful execution of our church-wide vision to be missional. This role is responsible for assisting the Associate Lead Pastor to refine, drive, and provide opportunities to our congregation for significant missional living and testimony. The goal is to have all Villagers actively engaged in outreach efforts bearing witness of the Gospel to all while giving priority to those who have yet to hear the Gospel. 

Job Duties

  • Missional Education
    1. Work closely with all staff members in integrating a missional education program throughout total church programming
    2. Collaborate with Senior Director of Integration to offer Village “Missional” classes as part of “essentials” series


  • Financial Engagement
    1. Support overseeing missional church and outreach portion of the budget, under the supervision of the Associate Lead Pastor
    2. Educate and motivate people to partner through giving to missional and outreach initiatives, in collaboration with the Associate Lead Pastor
    3. Explore and secure outside revenue provisions in coordination with Lead Team, especially the Associate Lead Pastor


  • Missional Leadership
    1. Redefine and teach on being a missional church, in collaboration with the Associate Lead Pastor
    2. Develop ministry leaders for local and global outreach ministries


  • Networking: Develop and maintain a healthy network of churches, Christian organizations, and community/government agencies for partnership opportunities in outreach and missional living, both local and global


  • Empowering Villagers for Missional Engagement for Kingdom Purposes
    1. Prayer: Foster concern and involvement in prayer for local and global outreach
    2. Short Term Missions: continue a short-term missions’ program, stimulate recruitment with a focus on adults, and provide training and follow-up of team members, in collaboration with the Associate Lead Pastor
    3. Long-term Missions
      1. Develop and implement a missionary candidate training and selection process, in collaboration with the Associate Lead Pastor
      2. Maintain liaison with missionaries’ agencies and/or missionaries
      3. Oversee missionary care
    4. Local Community Impact: Develop and oversee holistic engagement (i.e., Spiritual, physical, mental/emotional, environmental, civic engagement, and justice) in collaboration with the Community Outreach Coordinator and our nonprofit, Village Outreach
    5. Evangelism
      1. Prepare and motivate Villagers in creating and maintaining evangelistic relationships
      2. In partnership with other staff, establish new believer discipleship opportunities 
  • Other: Assume any responsibilities given by your supervisor


  1. Reports to Associate Lead Pastor
  2. Receives annual review from supervisor according to the review policy established by the Personnel Commission
  3. Must be in a “soul-care” relationship, where continued spiritual formation is the aim
  4. Oversee all relevant leaders in Missional/Outreach ministries
About Village Church

Village church is a missional, multicultural community in Christ. We are the result of faithful people, who across the ages, were compelled by the life of Jesus to see the Kingdom of God realized on earth. In discernment of the Missio Dei (mission of God), we pursue our covenantal commitment to God and to one another.

Sunday services are fully integrated as the church worships through music, shared testimony, and sermon study. All are welcome. Youth church runs simultaneously with the main integrated service as do Village Kids (our Children’s Ministry). Our combined attendance on Sundays is around 1,100. Our ethnic fellowships meet throughout the week as well as our outreach ministries.

We believe the gospel of Christ is good news to all people, regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, class, or background. All humanity finds solidarity at the cross, where we recognize our common need for a relationship with Christ. We are multicultural out of obedience; our oneness declares that the gospel is true.

In our unity, we honor and learn from one another as we journey with the Father, Son, and Spirit. The Scriptures depict the community of God in heaven is comprised of people from every nation. God calls us to be that community of heaven here on earth now.
