Head of School

Red Bank Baptist Church
Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States
Date Posted: 05/24/2024
Categories: Church/Ministry
Job Type: Full-Time
Pay Type: Salary
Pay: $75,000
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:
Job Overview

In faith, the candidate for Head of School must:

  • Be a born again Christian and must submit a written copy of his/her personal testimony professing faith in Jesus Christ as his/her Savior;
  • Believe that the Bible is the true word of God and the standard for daily living, desiring to grow in faith daily;
  • Abide by the beliefs set forth in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000;
  • Faithfully attend a local Bible-believing church;
  • Be a strong spiritual leader for the school and the staff;
  • Have a passion for Classical Christian education;
  • Engage in the mission of the church to point people to Jesus one conversation at a time.

In education and experience the candidate for Head of School shall:

  • Have a master’s or doctorate degree, preferably from a Christian institution;
  • Have experience as a school administrator;
  • Have a passion for Classical Christian Education.

In relating with students, the Head of School is expected to:

  • Enjoy being with children and teenagers, motivating students to accept God’s gift of salvation and to grow in their faith;
  • Demonstrate ability to inspire learning and cultivate relationships with students;
  • Define responsible Christian behavior for students, including guidelines and consequences for good and bad behavior at school and in the classroom;
  • Help students learn self-discipline through appropriate encouragement, correction, chastening, and counseling.

In professional conduct, the Head of School is expected to:

  • Maintain professional dignity by demonstrating exemplary personal moral integrity in daily living;
  • Function with others as a team; support, respect, celebrate;
  • Work constructively with the Board of Directors and staff by contributing ideas and listening to the ideas of others;
  • Foster their own learning through continued education and professional development.
  • Maintain a personal appearance that is a role model of cleanliness, modesty, good taste and in agreement with the school’s policy;

In relationships, the Head of School is expected to:

  • Have “builder” leadership qualities to help grow the school;
  • Communicate regularly with parents as partners in nurturing the academic and spiritual needs of their child;
  • Celebrate Classical Christian education in the broader community;
  • Participate actively in the community, particularly the church community;
  • Model love for Christ and students beyond the school day and campus;
  • Be a Christian role model in attitude, speech, and actions towards others, maintaining a calm and respectful tone with others. I Timothy 4:12;  Be an example of the believers in word, conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
  • Develop and maintain rapport with students, parents and staff by treating them with friendliness, dignity and consideration.
Job Description

The Head of School is charged by the Board of Directors with the general responsibility for accomplishing the objectives of the school. Head of School’s duties shall include, but not be limited to, pre-qualifying all staff, overseeing financial matters, maintaining the spiritual quality of the school, evaluating and managing staff, and all day-to-day administrative duties. He or she may be assisted in the administration of the school by an administrative staff of assistants, directors, and teachers. In general, their function will be defined by the Head of School in light of the responsibilities and needs of the school. The duties and responsibilities of Head of School include the following:

  1. To provide leadership in establishing and implementing an academic program appropriate to the stated objectives of the School.
  2. To encourage and support extracurricular activities designed to supplement and enrich the students’ personal growth and development in line with the purpose of developing students to be well-rounded spiritually, mentally, physically, and socially.
  3. To employ and retain teachers who value and exhibit a personal relationship with Jesus; who desire to learn and improve in their chosen profession; who are, to the highest degree possible, persons of wholesome personality, good citizenship, sound judgment, integrity and scholarly attainment; who are skilled in the art of teaching and temperamentally compatible with the children and the community comprising Point Christian Academy and Preschool.
  4. To appraise the performance of employed personnel; to engage continuously in improving their performance, preparation and experience; and to recognize exceptional merit of professional employees.
  5. To work closely with the Senior Pastor of Red Bank Baptist Church to help ensure a spirit of collaboration and unity exists between the School and the Church. PCA understands that it is a ministry of Red Bank Baptist Church and will collaborate with the Senior Pastor (or his designee) to integrate the school into the overall ministry of the Church.
  6. To assign teachers and other employees to ensure the best interests of the School.
  7. To be responsible for the discipline and conduct of students.
  8. To provide supervision, either personally or through a delegation of authority, for all phases and activities of the School’s operation.
  9. To develop and maintain a status of accreditation and membership in professional organizations of Christian schools.
  10. To keep abreast of sound educational practices and to make use of these practices where appropriate in the operation of the School.
  11. To be involved in the activities of professional organizations where these activities can benefit the School’s total educational program.
  12. To review all complaints; to render decisions consistent with sound educational policy and the best interests of the school; and to interpret the school and its operating policies to parents, students, and friends of the School.
  13. To render judgment of revision in the curriculum or recommended changes in Christian educational literature.
  14. To identify and recruit highly qualified persons to fill vacancies on the professional and administrative staff.
  15. To develop with the staff and the Board of Directors the annual budget of the School.
  16. To prepare status reports about enrollment, accreditation matters, teacher salaries, or other matters as desired or requested by the Board.
  17. To recommend final compensation, within the established range, to all employee agreements.
  18. To serve as a focal point of communication with parents, teachers, and students by a careful utilization of well-planned announcements, newsletters, bulletins, faculty and parent meetings, assemblies, and daily and weekly schedules of events.
  19. To supply the Board with information about developments and events in the School.
  20. To be sensitive to human relations with respect to students, school personnel, parents, and the community at large so that the best interest of the School and the School’s educational program will be served.
  21. To become involved with special courses or programs of the School as schedule permits.
  22. To oversee all financial operations of the School.
  23. To be responsible for the maintenance and development of the overall campus, physical plant, and properties of the School.
How To Apply

Send Resume and Cover Letter to CLowe@redbankbaptist.org

About Red Bank Baptist Church

Red Bank exists to Point People to Jesus one conversation at a time. As a Southern Baptist Church, we hold to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Our church consists of multiple campuses and a congregation of around 1,000 in attendance on Sunday mornings. Though we have different places to meet, we are one church with multiple campuses sharing a unified mission and vision. We believe everyone deserves a chance to hear the redemptive good news of Jesus Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection. We know this will only happen if God’s people are actively going out into the world and sharing the Gospel with people they meet.

Led by Pastor Sam Greer, Ph.D., Red Bank Baptist Church is built upon the fact that followers of Christ are called to point people to Jesus. Pastor Sam teaches this belief by challenging the congregation to engage the world in Gospel Conversations. Pastor Sam places a high priority on God’s Word, and our church is gospel-centered in all we do. Our Pastor is committed to Christ-centered expository preaching and Word-rich congregational singing.
